
Vocational Training

(Actress and Teacher)

Date of birth: 12/05/1979

Weight: 60 kg

Height: 1.60 m

Languages: English, Spanish, German, Italian.

Skills: Actions, dancing, singing, stilts


- 1999: Introduction to acting, La Casa del Teatro (Mexico)

- 2000-2003: Acting-Diploma. Casazul Artes Escénicas Argos. (Mexico)

- 2004: Film acting techniques. Cinefilias. (Mexico)

- 2004: Acting Shakespeare. Centro universitario del teatro. (México)

- 2005: Introduction to acting. Central School of Speech and Drama. (UK)

- 2007-2008: Jacque Leqoc´s technique. London International School of Performing Arts. (UK)

- 2020: International laboratory of scenography and costumes. Azul Borenstein. (Argentina)

School productions

- 2000: “A kind of Alaska” Harold Pinter. Dir. José Caballero.

- 2000: "The learned ladies" Moliere. Dir. José Caballero.

- 2001: “Oleana” David Mamet. Dir. Enrique Singer.

- 2002: "Pervertimento y otros gestos para nada" José Sanchís. Dir. José Caballero.

- 2003: "Eco and Narcissus " Calderón de la Barca. Dir. José Caballero.

Work Experience:


- 1997: “La casa de Bernarda Alba”. F. G. Lorca. Dir. Claudia Rivera Canales. La carpa Geodesica. (Mexico)

- 1997: “La casa de Bernarda Alba”. F. G. Lorca. Dir. Claudia Rivera Canales. La carpa Geodesica. (Mexico)

- 2011: "Las aceitunas". Lope de Rueda Dir. Teresa Cedillo. (Mexico city, Mexico)

- 2014: “Joseph and the Amazing T. Dreamcoat " Dir. Apasionarte teatro. Foro abierto Xcaret. (Mexico)

- 2016-2017: “Carpe Diem”. Anna Traditti. Dir. Karina Reyes. (Playa del Carmen, Mexico)

- 2021-2022: “Clara” Inspired by the original work of Elena Garro. Dir. Karina Reyes. (Playa del Carmen, Mexico)

- 2013-2021: “Amor y Muerte” Operativo silla móvil danza company. Dir. Alejandro López. (Mexico)

2022: “Clara” Inspired by the original work of Elena Garro. Dir. Karina Reyes. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Alemania)


- 2002: “VIP Lounge” . Dir. Olga Rodríguez. (Queretaro, Mexico)

- 2015: Encuentro. Dir. Danya Cervantes M. (Cancun, Mexico)

- 2016: Cari ¡ve! Dir. Danya Cervantes M. (Playa del Carmen, Mexico)

- 2017: Cards. Dir. Roberto Ricardi. ROS Academy. (Mexico)


- 1997: PRD Publicity Argos Productions

- 1997: "Confesiones de Adolescentes” Intro TV Azteca

- 2001: “Lo que callamos las mujeres” TV Azteca

- 2002: "Desiciiones de mujeres" Argos-Telemundo

- 2003: "Ladrón de Corazones" Argos-Telemundo


- 2000: "Magical disney world parade”. Disney company. (Mexico city)

- 2009- 2010: "Festival de danza jazz Riviera Maya". Dance for fun. (Riviera Maya)

- 2009: “Show Rock”. Secrets Maroma Beach.

- 2012: “Alice in Wonderland”. Dance for fun productions.

- 2013: “Wizard of Oz”. Dance for fun productions.

- 2014: “Enchanted”. Dance for fun productions.

- 2015: “Mamma Mia”. Dance for fun productions.

- 2015: “Mamma Mia”. Dance for fun productions.

- 2018: “10 Aniversario”. Dance for fun productions.


- Dance for Fun Studio

- From 2011: during the summer courses and artistic direction at the following festivals.

- 2013: “The wizard of Oz” / “Polar Express”.

- 2014: “Enchanted”.

- 2015: “Mamma Mia”.

- 2016: “Teen beach movie”.

- 2017: “Grease tribute” / “Frozen”.

- 2018: “10th Anniversary”.

- 2021: “Rise of the Guardians”.

Instituto Educativo Yitsatil

Drama class from Primary school to High School ending up with the following performances:

-22012: “A Christmas Carol”. Charles Dickens.

- 2013: “The comedy of errors”. William Shakespeare.

- “Qué Plantón” Musical. Guillermo Méndez.

- “El juego que todos jugamos”. Alejandro Jodorowsky.

- 2014: “Accidental death of an Anarchist”. Dario Fo.

- Don Gil de las calzas verdes. Tirso de Molina.

- Scenic Adaptation "Like chocolate water". Laura Esquivel. Direction and libretto in collaboration with teacher Susana Mtz.

- 2015: "Momo" (Adaptation) Michael Ende

First Theatre Night Festival (2014)

- “Lady Wildermere's Fan” Oscar Wilde

- “A marriage proposal”. Anton Chekhov. (Participation in the Ekinoxio Festival of performing arts in Playa del Carmen

- "The Kid" (Adaptation) Charles Chaplin

Second Theatre Night Festival (2015)

- Fragment of “The Phantom of the musical opera”. (In collaboration with the choir and the dance workshop).

- Sherlock Holmes: “Study in Scarlet”. Arthur Conan Doyle.

- “El diablito de Benjamin”. Rebeca Orozco Mora. (Participation in the anniversary of Libros Libres, Parque la Ceiba)

- "The Addams Family" (Adaptation)

Third Theatre Night Festival (2016)

- “Ale y su pollo apestoso”. Eleonora Luna.

- “En busca del Snark”. Eleonora Luna

- “La bruja blanca”. Luis Santillan.

- “Yaya quiere jugar futbol”. Camila Villegas. (Presentations at schools in different Riviera Maya locations).

- “Peter and Wendy”. J. M. Barrie.

- “Estudio en blanco y negro”. Virgilio Pinera.

Forth Theatre Night Festival (2017)

- “Los pavos no pueden volar”. Chantal Torres.

- “El viejo celoso” (Entremes). M. de Cervantes.

- “The midsummer night’s dream”. W. Sheakespeare.

Instituto Tepeyac Campus Xcaret

- June 2016: Tribute to Matilda the Musical in collaboration with the workshop of musical assembly and dance.

Universidad Christian-Albrecht de Kiel

- 2022: Theater workshop. Romanisches Seminar. Germany.